From the Mat-Su Animal Care Shelter - Thor

Contributed by Susan Fujimoto

Thor, who is a super friendly and happy 1½-year-old neutered dog, has been at the Shelter for six months, recovering from severe dog mange and skin allergies. He is a small, 40-pound pit mix and a real wiggle worm who is super curious. Thor should be easy to train, because he is very food motivated. He is a wonderful dog, but will have skin problems for the rest of his life, due to food and contact allergies. He has recovered and is now eating a salmon based limited ingredient diet and takes Atopica to control his allergies. He will require this, or some other prescription medication from a veterinarian, to remain healthy.

PETS & ANIMALS - From the Mat-Su Animal Care Shelter - Thor WEB.jpg

Any new owner should be dedicated to providing veterinary care and quality food. Thor’s animal identification number is A100085.

We are located at 9470 E. Chanlyut Circle, Palmer, beside the Landfill and Recycling Center.

Call (907) 746-5500! Open Tuesday – Saturday, from 11am until 6pm.