2016 Libertarian State Convention

Contributed by Alaska Libertarian Party

The Alaska Libertarian convention is less than a month away. We ask everyone who is interested in attending to RSVP convention Chair Michael Chambers at:

(907) 748-6323

Or go to our website at: www.alaskalibertarian.com and hit the RSVP button which allows you to RSVP register and pay now. Please register via the website or RSVP via the email so we can get a proper headcount regarding the food count so we are prepared.

Convention Delegate fees will be $50.00 which includes your membership fee, delegate fee, and convention related costs. If you wish to only stop in and cast your vote on a write -in ballot, you can stop by, be vetted, pay a $35.00 fee and vote prior to 1:00 pm  

Proper vetting:

A qualified delegate is an individual who has been a registered libertarian since April 7, 2016 and pays membership and delegate fees. ($35.00) Please bring your voter registration card as this does speed up the process. We will have the ability to vet those who may not have their credentials. 

This year will be an exciting State Convention as we will be:
* Voting for our Libertarian candidates for president
 * Voting for positions on the executive board to include Chair, Vice-Chair, Treasurer, and Membership.
 * Redesigning both our Constitution and Platform 

Along with other dynamic speakers, Libertarian candidates, Cean Stevens for US Senate and
Jon Watts for US House, will be addressing the convention. 

We hope to see you at Convention!!