From Sheep To Shawl

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Contributed by Michelle Olsen

Mat-Su Valley Fiber Arts Festival
July 21-22, 2018 - 10AM
Mat-Su Valley Fiber Arts
Alaska State Fairgrounds
2075 Glenn Hwy. Palmer
FREE Admission

Have you ever wondered where yarn comes from? The answer to that question is as varied as the fibers that can be turned into yarn. Mat-Su Valley Fiber Festival is ready to help you learn everything you ever wanted to know about yarn and how to use it. This all ages event is free to the public, and offers experiences that will delight kids from 8 to 108.

Satin Angora rabbit bred by Krystal Mitchell.

Satin Angora rabbit bred by Krystal Mitchell.

Did you know angora comes from rabbits, but angora goats produce mohair? The 3rd Annual Fiber Festival includes all kinds of fiber animals from rabbits and guinea pigs to sheep and goats. We also offer demos and classes on different kinds of fiber, plus knitting, dying, spinning, weaving, felting, crochet and everything else you can do with natural fibers. 

If you have joined us before you know, that all our vendors and participants are eager to share our love of fiber and are happy to answer any questions or give an impromptu demonstration. You can even bring your own project and enjoy some “Me Time” with like-minded fibery folks in our knitting circle or spinning circle.  

This year, we are a bit bigger (and I like to think) even better than before. Gates open at 10am, so you have all day to take in the wide variety of classes. You can start by checking out Alaska’s Rabbit and Cavy State Convention, and learn what they contribute to the fiber world. 

Saturday events include: 
Alaska Rabbit and Cavy Show
11:00AM: Marilynn Methven, Painting with Fiber - $55, frame and fiber provided. Class takes about 2 hours.
12:00PM: Darcel Daigh, Needle-Felted Mushrooms - $35. Class takes about t3 hours  
1:00PM: Coyote Trail Farm and Fiber Mill, How to Skirt a Fleece for the Mill - FREE
2:00PM: Calypso Farms, Sheep Shearing Demonstration
3:00PM: Darcel Daigh, Eco Printing - $55. Class takes about 1.5 hours.
4:00PM: Calypso Farm, Sheep Shearing Demonstration

Sunday events include: 
10:00AM: Carolyn Venhaus will be demonstrating how to blend fibers on a drum carder throughout the day.
10:30AM: Fleece Judging
11:00AM: Darcel Daigh, Wet-Felted Pumpkins - $50. Class takes about 3 hours.
11:30AM: Sheep and Goat Show
12:00PM: Lynx Mullen, demonstrating how to dye roving and yarn in the microwave
12:30PM: Calypso Farm, Sheep Shearing Demonstration
1:00PM: Darcel Daigh, Indigo Shibori - $45. Class takes about 2 hours.
2:00PM: Marilynn Methven, Painting with Fiber - $55, frame and fiber provided. Class takes about 2 hours.

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A variety of food trucks will be on-site throughout the weekend as well. Check out our website for class registration and other information: 
Besides the actual fibers, we have lots for accessories too. From yarn bowls to custome wooden drop spindles, you will find lots of great gift ideas for that fiber-loving person in your life. Need to order a replacement part for your wooden wheel? We can help you with that too.

There will even be some sheep and goats for sale, maybe you want to start your own fiber flock? This is a great opportunity to find out which animals are the right ones for you. 

Mat-Su Valley Fiber Festival at the Alaska State Fairgrounds in Palmer: Saturday, July 21st, 10am-6pm, and Sunday, July 22nd, 10am-4pm. 

We hope to see you there.