Nickels & Dimes Matter



Contributed by Su Kay

March 25, I was facing the cruel truth that my son, Spencer, was not going to be allowed to move from his family home into an assisted living facility due to extreme medical care needs. Twenty-eight years of age, yet community home options disappeared for Spencer. Time had come that I had to find a nursing home, as I physically couldn’t continue.

With budget cuts, unrealistic expectations for home and community-based agencies to pay adequate wages for untrained staff, and the uneducated legislators in Juneau, the perfect storm had struck our home!

With help and wisdom from Dr. Melendez, Mat-Su Regional Hospitalist, I was able to make the hard decision to place Spencer in Prestige Nursing Rehabilitation Center.

I have been to Juneau many times, advocating for Spencer and others. I have attended Key Campaign events, a yearly pilgrimage that draws attention to seniors and those with disabilities.

I have testified before house committee members, met with legislators and senators. The last time I went to Juneau, my Senator for District E was Dunleavy. He gave me 5 minutes, even though I had emailed him an agenda and he agreed to 15 minutes.

When I said I could save the state $23,000.00 on Spencer’s waiver, he said it wasn’t enough. 
“That isn’t very much money, not even enough to count. The budget is over by millions, billions; 27K is nothing.”

I knew then that I had to do something else; just “going “to Juneau didn’t offer any hope.

Spencer & Mom (Su Kay)

Spencer & Mom (Su Kay)

With Spencer living at Prestige, my time is without curfew. My friends and family suggested I begin living now! I am 60 years old. I had my first baby in my senior year of high school, and so have held title, MOM, forever! Great time to plan a retirement, travel, rest.

I was leaving Prestige June 4th, I told the nurse that I was headed to Talkeetna for the Democratic Convention, that I was District 10 Chair. She hugged me and said, “Thank you for serving! We need your help.” I could feel her sincerity! Although, I had no idea what help she thought I could give.

As I drove to Talkeetna, an idea presented that this would be a perfect time to run for Senate Seat E. I learned that no one had announced intent to run. I took the reins when presented during our breakout meeting! Filed with APOC and now preparing to serve as the first democratic senator from District E!  

The best way to advocate for citizenry, humanity, is to show up, stand up and SERVE.

I am mom to 5 sons: Travis, Cody, Todd, Spencer, Elliott.

I grew up in Fairbanks! An adventurous childhood and teenage independence. Spring of ’78 found us living in an 8ft.x10ft. storage unit in Anchorage near Ship Creek.

Moved to Wasilla July of ’83. 

I was a 4-H leader and won “Leader of the Year: twice! I served on the 4-H State Leadership Board, also serving as 4-H summer camp director, ending in 1997.

I remember the Millers Reach Fire that was raging during summer camp 1996. The entire community came together. Some of my campers lost their home while at camp, and had to go to Wasilla High School to meet up with their family.

Su Kay, Senate Seat E Candidate

Su Kay, Senate Seat E Candidate

I served on the board of directors for Mat-Su Services for Children and Adults, one of the home and community-based agencies in the Valley.

1997, I started my college education, 22 years after graduating Lathrop East High School. 

I received my bachelor’s degree in science at Oregon Health Science University School of Dentistry in 2002.Began working for Southcentral Foundation in 2003 as a dental hygienist.

May 22, 2018, I was recognized with the highest award given for service in Southcentral Foundation called “Living Our Values”. I was nominated and won due to my dedication in creating a special needs dental clinic model at the Benteh Nuutah Primary Care Center in Wasilla. My passion is that all have access to health care, oral health in particular!

I witnessed our community coming together! I have seen the magic of sacrifice during every event impacting our community including the Millers Reach and Sockeye fires.

I see how we respond when a shout goes out for help, as recently my favorite librarian had a family crisis that was met with support from friends and community.

My language will sound different then political opponents. My humor sharp, keen, spontaneous accompanied by rich laughter. I know how to reach across the table, find common ground, break bread and find conciliation. 

I have history marking a new path. I would love to meet, share a thought, shake your hand and bring your voice to Juneau. I continue to believe in inclusion, each of us are welcomed at the table. Each voice has value. I believe solutions are born through diversity of thought and talent. I know there is no success without cooperation! I trust in our Alaska Constitution! I love “Eight Stars of Gold on a Field of Blue”.