Breaking The Plastic Bag Habit

COMMUNITY - Breaking The Plastic Bag Habit - Copy.jpg

Contributed by Patti Fisher, The Plastic Bag Committee

The Plastic Bag Committee has been talking a lot about plastic bags for the last year - the hazards of single-use plastic bags to the environment and the ugliness they cause in our beautiful valley. Surveys show that people are acknowledging that those bags are a problem. They would like to make a change in their habits, taking fewer bags from the store. But people tell me that it is hard to change old habits. I absolutely understand. For the longest time, my reusable bags got left in the car when I shopped.  

So here are a few tips on how to change the old plastic bag habit:
1)    First off, don’t be stressed if you leave your bags in the car. If you don’t have your reusable bags, just have the clerk put your purchases directly in the cart. You have a receipt and can hold it in your hand as you leave. Keep a basket in your car, and you can transfer your purchases directly to the basket.  
2)    To always have a reusable bag with you when shopping, consider getting a compact nylon bag that compresses into its own stuff sack and fits in your coat pocket. Or get some string or mesh bags, which can also go in a pocket.
3)    Items like milk in a jug do not have to be bagged. 

Reusable bags are available in different colors, styles and sizes. Find some kind of colorful, fun bag you like and use it at all the stores you visit.  

The Plastic Bag Campaign will be handing out reusable bags at various locations in the next few months. If you see us, stop by to say hello and give us your suggestions on how to break the plastic bag habit.

And at the store, just say no to plastic bags.