Sullivan Applauds Senate Passage of Anchorage Land Transfer Bill

Contributed by Mike Anderson

Washington D.C– Today, the U.S. Senate unanimously passed legislation introduced by Senator Dan Sullivan (R-AK) to allow for the sale of 9 acres of unused and undeveloped federal property to the Municipality of Anchorage. S. 1492 facilitates the sale of the National Archives and Records Administration property located at 400 East 40th Avenue in Anchorage to the Municipality for no less than fair market value.
“After years of Senate gridlock, I am pleased to see this common sense land transfer one step closer to reality,” said Senator Sullivan. “This legislation has a number of concrete benefits for all stakeholders: Taxpayers will see the sale of the land go toward paying down the federal debt and streamlining the long, costly administrative process, the Archives will be able to offload a property it no longer needs, and the Municipality will be able to acquire a valuable plot of developable land, which is increasingly scarce in the Anchorage area. This legislation is long overdue."
S. 1492, which has the support of Anchorage Mayor, Ethan Berkowitz, and was supported by former mayor, Dan Sullivan, would specifically direct the General Services Administration, on behalf of the National Archives, to convey property in Anchorage to the Municipality. The National Archives has determined that it no longer needs the property and supports the sale as part of its efforts to reduce costs to the taxpayer and shrink its overall footprint. The bill will require fair market value based on highest and best use for the property, determined by an independent appraisal.