Oklahoma, Texas & Alaska

Contributed by Rick Small, Abolitionist Society of Anchorage & Mat-Su Valley

Something is happening in Oklahoma that shines a bright light, but first let’s look back over the past few years to set the stage.

For those who haven’t heard, abolitionists are rising up. Followers of Christ who rightly understand that abortion is sin, and more significantly, TREAT it that way. The modern Abolition of Human Abortion movement was reignited about five years ago in Norman Oklahoma. The abolitionists there have been praying and working to seed the ideology of Abolitionism, and God has been leading His children to repent of their apathy and their wrong thinking. In spite of much opposition, Abolitionism is growing and spreading nationwide and in several countries.

Two years ago, in Oklahoma, abolitionists planned a mission to call “pro-life” legislators, and those enabling them to repent (see https://youtu.be/QF5X0MizQXg “Calling Pro-Life Legislators to REPENT!”). Abolitionists from as far away as Alaska gathered in Oklahoma City and the surrounding areas. During our time there, a Senator Joseph Silk, who had an active bill to attempt to regulate the murder of the pre-born, repented, gutted his bill and replaced it with a bill to Abolish Human Abortion #SB1118. 

Can you guess what happened? Prolifers actively opposed it and killed it. Yep… prolifers. National Right To Life vice president and president of Oklahomans For Life Tony Lauinger led the opposition. (See “Tony Lauinger and SB 1118” on YouTube for the playlist of the 5 videos).

Followers of Christ in Texas saw what happened in Oklahoma and brought it to their state. They prayed and actively worked to abolish human abortion in Texas. They were able to get the Texas Republican Platform to cease attempts to regulate pre-born murder and to abolish it. They also were able to get abolition to be a legislative priority as it should be. 

Then, a representative there, Tony Tinderholt, rose up and with the help of the abolitionists introduced #HB948 The Abolition of Abortion in Texas Act. Again, hundreds of abolitionists from as far away as Alaska gathered in Austin and the surrounding areas. During our time there, several state representatives joined about a thousand others to support #HB948. 

Can you guess what happened? Prolifers actively opposed it and killed it. Yep… prolifers. Texas Right To Life, Prolifer Byron Cook, Prolifer Abby Johnson and other prolifers led the opposition. Representative Byron Cook vehemently refused to allow #HB948 a hearing, while pushing through bills that allow the slaughter to continue. (See https://youtu.be/DJ038UAyEBs “Chairman Byron Cook of the State Affairs committee. Abolish Abortion. Don’t regulate it.”)

Followers of Christ in Alaska saw what happened in Oklahoma and Texas and brought it to our state. We prayed, planned, created a website and Facebook page (see www.AbolishAbortionAK.com and www.facebook.com/AbolishAbortionAK), started a petition to abolish abortion in Alaska, began working with David Eastman to help get him elected and encouraged him to introduce a bill of total immediate Abolition.  

On May 15, 2017, he introduced #HB250 and #HB251 - the Alaska Life at Conception Act and the Responsible Judges Act. Over the past 10 months, it has largely been people who claim to be “Pro-Life” who have prevented those bills from advancing in the House and Senate. Many of them have done this while simultaneously pushing a bill to attempt to regulate the murder of the pre-born.

Enough is enough! We must repent of allowing prolifers to suppress the abolition of human abortion!

Guess what?  Oklahoman believers are rising up!  A former state legislator and pastor is running as an abolitionist, not a prolifer. (See www.FisherForGovernor.com for his platform which is prioritized to abolish abortion in Oklahoma). Another former state legislator, Randy Brogdon, has also repented of being a prolifer who attempted to regulate pre-born murder and is now an abolitionist supporting Dan Fisher (see https://youtu.be/AcynTFptQNE “Randy Brogdon Repents of Pro-Life Compromise”).

Believers, our life should be marked by repentance. Will you repent? Will you begin to treat abortion as it is, a sin against our Holy God, state-condoned sin? If we won’t repent, how can we call the apathetic legislators to do so?

What is happening in Oklahoma is spreading nationwide. Will you be on the right side of history?

For a clear, concise understanding of the difference, please watch the 28-minute video at
https://youtu.be/61Bwnf-jPJk  “Why “Abolition” and Not Pro-Life”.

The Son of God entered the womb in order to be born among men, live a sinless life and be crucified for sinners. In this, He reconciled humanity to God, rose from the grave, ABOLISHED DEATH and is RIGHT NOW destroying every work of the devil. This is who we follow. If you confess your sin, turn from it and follow Jesus as Lord, you will be saved.  


We have prayed for men like this to lead. Recently live: