Our Town

PRESS RELEASE from Valley Performing Arts

Drama directed by Wendy Golter

Our Town
2/16/2018 – 3/4/2018
Fridays & Saturdays @7PM, Sundays @2PM
Valley Performing Arts
251 W Swanson Ave. Wasilla
Tickets: $17 Students/Seniors, $19 General

Described by playwright Edward Albee as “...the greatest American play ever written”, the Pulitzer Prize winning story follows the small town of Grover's Corners through the lives of two families. We follow the Webb and Gibbs families as their children fall in love, marry and eventually, in one of the most famous scenes in American theatre, die. Author Thornton Wilder's final word on how he wanted his play performed is an invaluable addition to the American stage. This is an American classic that the whole family can enjoy.  

“Our Town” opens February 16th and runs through March 4th. Ticket prices are $19 for regular admission, $17 for seniors/students. This Pulitzer Prize winning play by Thorton Wilder will be appearing on the stage at Valley Performing Arts, 251 W. Swanson Avenue, Wasilla.   
This wonderful production, “Our Town”, is sponsored by Double Eagle Real Estate & Investments, First National Bank Alaska and Lead Dog Enterprises.   
Call VPA at 373-0195, visit our website, www.valleyperformingarts.org, or come by the office, Monday through Friday from 9am to 3pm to purchase your tickets. Be sure to follow us on Facebook at: www.facebook.com/Valley-Performing-Arts.  #valleyperformingartsAK