The Mat-Su Sertoma Club Funds Alert System For The Deaf


The Mat-Su Sertoma Club recently donated funds to obtain a Serene Central Alert System for a deaf client who lives in the Mat-Su which was provided by Assistive Technology of Alaska (ATLA). 

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The individual’s home was not equipped with appropriate signaling devices, which are imperative to safety in the home. Imagine not knowing if your alarm clock was going off, or if the smoke and carbon monoxide detectors were to whistle in the middle of the night. The Serene Central Alert System is a vibrating dual alarm clock that has a bright built-in flasher, a selectable yet pleasant loud audible sound and two bed shaker jacks. This system provides the safety that was needed in ATLA’s client’s home. This was all made possible through the Assistive Technology Acquisition Assistance Program (ATAAP) at ATLA.

About Mat-Su Sertoma Club:
The Mat-Su Sertoma Club was founded in 2009. Many Valley residents are familiar with the annual event we coordinate – The Mat-Su Plunge “The Original Valley Dip!”  This annual event has raised almost $300,000 for local non-profit organizations and scholarships. The Plunge is scheduled for February 17, 2018, and is one of the Valley’s great winter events to attend. Sertoma meets the first and third Thursday of every month at the Windbreak Hotel and Café at 6:30 p.m.