What Is Functional Nutrition?

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Contributed by Dr. Rick Jahn, DOM(FL), LAc (AK), Arctic Chiropractic East Mat-Su

Functional nutrition listens to you, not just the information on a lab test.

Most people don’t know what functional nutrition is. The current model for health is the analysis and measurement of pain or disease. When there is no disease or pain, people erroneously think they are healthy. That may not always be the case.

Functional nutrition, and functional wellness, looks at health a bit differently. Since my background is in Chinese Medicine, I like this approach. In my opinion, Chinese Medicine is one of the oldest forms of functional wellness systems. Instead of looking at labs, we seek to understand your experience. What you experience, how you feel, as well as small signs and symptoms, can give hints as to which systems are out of balance.

The problem with just reacting to pain or disease is, it’s not only expensive but it is a bit like trying to remodel a house after its been on fire for a while. Let’s take that analogy a bit further. What if we consider pain or disease to be the fire alarm, the signal that something is wrong? What happens to the house if we only turn off the fire alarm, but don’t do anything about the fire? The house still burns, but now it burns quietly. This is the same when we only take medications to quiet or subdue symptoms, our body (the house) still “burns” or falls apart quietly.

I am not saying that medications are bad. In fact, your MD/DO can save your life with the proper use of medications. I am also not saying you shouldn’t take prescription drugs to ease your pain in order to live. What I am saying is that if you only manage symptoms and not the underlying cause, the problem not only persists, but grows. Just like turning off the fire alarm while leaving the fire.

So, what other options are there?

This is where Chinese Medicine theory and functional nutrition come in. Using some techniques that have been used for thousands of years and some that have only been in use for several decades, we analyze how your body is functioning and what systems may need some support. True health is not the absence of symptoms. True health is harmony and balance within your body, within your systems. As we age some systems struggle to perform. If support is not given, it causes stress within the physiology of the body and affects your health. It affects your body’s ability to repair and to resist disease, pathogens, viruses, etc.…

Using functional nutrition, we support the systems that need it and allow your body to function better. You should sleep better, wake with energy and have energy to get through your day. You should digest your food without worry of constipation, diarrhea, bloat, acid reflux, etc.… These are all common symptoms as we age; but in many cases, it doesn’t have to be. It may be your body’s way, its “fire alarm” asking you for help.

Many people say things like, “I was healthy until…” The reason often has to do with not being able to understand the small signs and symptoms that point to the imbalances that are worsening.

So, what should you do?

Pay attention to your body. Listen to the small signs and symptoms. Work with someone that can help interpret what it means and help you achieve your health goals. Randomly taking vitamins, or worse, fake chemical isolates of vitamins, in hopes of achieving health is often not the best approach, especially with something as important and individual as your health.

If you need some help figuring out those small signs and symptoms and what your body might be telling you, give me a call. Let’s see if we can help.

Dr. Rick Jahn, Doctor of Oriental Medicine and Functional Nutrition Practitioner, is now accepting new acupuncture and functional nutrition patients at Arctic Chiropractic in Palmer. (907) 746-7842 You can also visit Dr. Rick online at www.alaskanaturalhealth.com or on Facebook at www.facebook.com/AlaskaNaturalHealth.